An unexpected journey turns into a nightmare. Nikko, a simple farm lad, suddenly finds himself running for his life. Dark executioners, orcs, a strange land brimming with danger … and little hope of a happy end in sight! Only with the aid of an extraordinary weapon does Nikko manage to escape with his life.
Back home again, undreamt of opportunities open up. The landgrave takes Nikko into his service, but soon sends him back to that alien land. Then Nikko learns something that will change his life forever.
*** 175,000 copies sold ***
Brand new translation of Germany's successful independent fantasy series
Null Papier Verlag
Born in 1977, Niels Bernhardt has been an avid devotee of the fantasy genre since his youth, through literature, pen-and-paper role-playing and computer games. The idea for "The Warlock of Hymal" has been many years in the making, and Niels finally began writing the story in spring 2011.
Niels studied physics at the Humboldt University of Berlin before going on to complete his doctoral degree in mathematics at the University of Auckland. After stints working as a scientist, he moved into the patents field, and worked for some time for a well-known law office in Munich. He returned to Berlin in 2012, where he works for a major manufacturer of aircraft engines.
Chapter 1: Journey into the Unknown
Chapter 2: A Horrible End
Chapter 3: Horrors Without End
Chapter 4: The Second Departure
Chapter 5: A Great Service to the Landgrave
Chapter 6: Return to Vyldoro
Chapter 7: Surprising Discoveries
Looking ahead …
About the Author
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW140824.1
- Artikelnummer SW140824.1
N. Bernhardt
- Mit find_in_page Edwin Miles
- Autoreninformationen Born in 1977, Niels Bernhardt has been an avid devotee of the… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
Born in 1977, Niels Bernhardt has been an avid devotee of the fantasy genre since his youth, through literature, pen-and-paper role-playing and computer games. The idea for "The Warlock of Hymal” has been many years in the making, and Niels finally began writing the story in spring 2011.Niels studied physics at the Humboldt University of Berlin before going on to complete his doctoral degree in mathematics at the University of Auckland. After stints working as a scientist, he moved into
- Verlag find_in_page
- Seitenzahl 136
- Veröffentlichung 29.10.2015
- ISBN 9783954186525
- Mit find_in_page Edwin Miles
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