A use case guide for building edge systems using K3s, k3OS, and open source cloud native technologies
Edge computing is a way of processing information near the source of data instead of processing it on data centers in the cloud. In this way, edge computing can reduce latency when data is processed, improving the user experience on real-time data visualization for your applications. Using K3s, a light-weight Kubernetes and k3OS, a K3s-based Linux distribution along with other open source cloud native technologies, you can build reliable edge computing systems without spending a lot of money.
In this book, you will learn how to design edge computing systems with containers and edge devices using sensors, GPS modules, WiFi, LoRa communication and so on. You will also get to grips with different use cases and examples covered in this book, how to solve common use cases for edge computing such as updating your applications using GitOps, reading data from sensors and storing it on SQL and NoSQL databases. Later chapters will show you how to connect hardware to your edge clusters, predict using machine learning, and analyze images with computer vision. All the examples and use cases in this book are designed to run on devices using 64-bit ARM processors, using Raspberry Pi devices as an example.
By the end of this book, you will be able to use the content of these chapters as small pieces to create your own edge computing system.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9781800566989450914
- Artikelnummer SW9781800566989450914
Sergio Méndez
- Verlag find_in_page Packt Publishing
- Seitenzahl 458
- Veröffentlichung 14.10.2022
- ISBN 9781800566989
- Verlag find_in_page Packt Publishing
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