Cottages, English roses and rolling hills: that’s Earlsraven. When Nathalie unexpectedly inherits her aunt’s cosy inn "Black Feather”, she also falls heir to her secret double life and discovers that sleuthing runs in the family.
This compilation contains episodes 1-3:
There are only two possibilities: either dear old Miss Beresford from Earlsraven is suffering from dementia or there’s something fishy going on at her house! But when she discovers a dead body in her garden, Nathalie and her cook Louise start to investigate.
When the famous writer Ian O'Shelley is found dead in his cottage, Nathalie starts to look into the case. She discovers that the writer was a man with many secrets. But while Nathalie is investigating O'Shelley's past, her personal life is falling apart - all because of her move to Earlsraven.
Scandal at the dog show! Sir Theodore's three King Poodles have been dyed blue! Sir Theodore loudly accuses the organiser, Mason Mayfield - and when he is found murdered, Sir Theodore is the prime suspect. Nathalie is convinced of his innocence and sets out to find the real killer.
Ellen Barksdale was born in the English seaside resort of Brighton, where her parents ran a small boarding house. . After years of reading crime fiction, she recently decided to take up writing herself. "Tea? Coffee? Murder!” is her first mystery series. She resides near Swansea with her partner Ian and their three dogs Billy, Bobby and Libby.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9783751774925458270
- Artikelnummer SW9783751774925458270
Ellen Barksdale
- Autoreninformationen Ellen Barksdale was born in the English seaside resort of… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
Ellen Barksdale was born in the English seaside resort of Brighton, where her parents ran a small boarding house. From childhood she was a bookworm, and from a young age was interested in crime novels. Her first experience of crime fiction was with the Maigret novels by Georges Simenon (her mother is Belgian by birth). After years of reading crime fiction, she recently decided to take up writing herself. “Tea? Coffee? Murder!” is her first mystery series. Ellen Barksdale lives near Swansea with her partner Ian and their three dogs Billy, Bobby and Libby.
- Verlag find_in_page Bastei Entertainment
- Veröffentlichung 01.11.2024
- ISBN 9783751774925
- Autoreninformationen Ellen Barksdale was born in the English seaside resort of… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
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