Soni and the Life Drinkers

Soni and the Life Drinkers
The Intasimi Warriors are about to embark on their third and most challenging adventure to date – saving their beloved mentor from dying at the hands of the Life Drinkers. And when Soni discovers that her mum has a twin sister with a dark secret, she might just have found the key to discovering the Life Drinkers' identity. As she delves deeper into Nairobi's dark underbelly, Soni must learn to see the world for what it is – with all its beauty and ugliness. What price will she have to pay to stop the Life Drinkers from draining Mr Lemayian's life, and will saving his life come at the expense of her own? A heart-stopping, thrill-a-minute journey into the heart of an... alles anzeigen expand_more

The Intasimi Warriors are about to embark on their third and most challenging adventure to date – saving their beloved mentor from dying at the hands of the Life Drinkers. And when Soni discovers that her mum has a twin sister with a dark secret, she might just have found the key to discovering the Life Drinkers' identity.

As she delves deeper into Nairobi's dark underbelly, Soni must learn to see the world for what it is – with all its beauty and ugliness. What price will she have to pay to stop the Life Drinkers from draining Mr Lemayian's life, and will saving his life come at the expense of her own?

A heart-stopping, thrill-a-minute journey into the heart of an alternative Kenya where monsters roam the streets and one brave 12-year-old, with the help of her closest friends, will learn a lesson in self-sacrifice that she will never forget.

Shiko Nguru is a Kenyan author and content creator, sharing her motherhood journey in the most genuine and beautiful way she can @ShikoNguru. The Intasimi Warriors is her debut middle grade series, inspired by her love of East African mythology.

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Vorbestellerartikel: Dieser Artikel erscheint am 1. Mai 2025

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  • SW9781836290001110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781836290001110164
  • Autor find_in_page Shiko Nguru
  • Autoreninformationen Shiko Nguru is a Kenyan author and content creator, sharing her… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Verlag find_in_page Lantana Publishing
  • Seitenzahl 200
  • Veröffentlichung 01.05.2025
  • ISBN 9781836290001

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