Itsuki Mizuho
Nao’s party of childhood friends is working hard to earn money and stabilize their lives in a different world. Meanwhile, Nao raises the idea of recruiting two old pals, but the search proves to be more difficult than he ever imagined. Worse yet, there’s another classmate in town–and this one means trouble! Follow Nao, Touya, and Haruka’s adventures as their eventful quest for companions leads them to a new town and new problems! J-Novel Club is a digital publishing company started by translators and fans like you! Our mission is to translate and release the coolest, funnest, and newest light novels from Japan to the world. By focusing on digital releases,...
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Nao’s party of childhood friends is working hard to earn money and stabilize their lives in a different world. Meanwhile, Nao raises the idea of recruiting two old pals, but the search proves to be more difficult than he ever imagined. Worse yet, there’s another classmate in town–and this one means trouble! Follow Nao, Touya, and Haruka’s adventures as their eventful quest for companions leads them to a new town and new problems!
J-Novel Club is a digital publishing company started by translators and fans like you! Our mission is to translate and release the coolest, funnest, and newest light novels from Japan to the world. By focusing on digital releases, and providing a membership service to let people read the books as soon as they are translated, our goal is to build a community of light novel readers and to grow the market, so that more and more releases can be officially licensed and translated. We won't just publish the big hit light novels that get anime adaptations, but also newer titles or books from small publishers and web novels... as long as it's a blast to read, we'll bring it to you! So pull out your tablet or ereader, sit down in a comfy chair, and join the club! weniger anzeigen expand_less
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8,30 €
- Artikel-Nr.: SW9781718345072450914
- Artikelnummer SW9781718345072450914
Itsuki Mizuho
- Mit find_in_page Relucy, Yen-Po Tseng
- Verlag find_in_page J-Novel Club
- Seitenzahl 180
- Veröffentlichung 23.10.2024
- ISBN 9781718345072
- Mit find_in_page Relucy, Yen-Po Tseng
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