Old and New Cleavages in Polish Society

What is happening in Poland? Where is Poland heading? Is Polish society as divided as it is often perceived? How did we get there? What do anti-pluralist tendencies and a gender-backlash mean for the everyday life in Poland? What are possible ways to cope with this? And what are the consequences for Europe? This anthology is the result of a conference which took place in Vienna in April 2018 and offers some insight into debates taking place in and around Poland today. The contributions are very different in expression and stand for themselves. In this respect, the book offers impressions, but no "solutions". It offers suggestions to reflect on Poland in a new or different way,... alles anzeigen expand_more

What is happening in Poland? Where is Poland heading? Is Polish society as divided as it is often perceived? How did we get there? What do anti-pluralist tendencies and a gender-backlash mean for the everyday life in Poland? What are possible ways to cope with this? And what are the consequences for Europe? This anthology is the result of a conference which took place in Vienna in April 2018 and offers some insight into debates taking place in and around Poland today. The contributions are very different in expression and stand for themselves. In this respect, the book offers impressions, but no "solutions". It offers suggestions to reflect on Poland in a new or different way, which help to understand Poland and the complex social and political processes that are currently underway.

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  • SW9783903150478458270

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  • Artikelnummer SW9783903150478458270
  • Autor find_in_page Ulrike Guérot
  • Mit find_in_page Michael Hunklinger
  • Autoreninformationen Prof. Dr. Ulrike Guérot is professor at the Danube University in… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Verlag find_in_page tredition GmbH
  • Veröffentlichung 20.03.2019
  • ISBN 9783903150478

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