Sound And Me

Fly with your spirit, MInd Traveling around the world with John Cage

If a picture (visual impression) paints a thousand words . The author Peter Berg questions the accepted view of audiovisual perception. His protagonist, the painter PiTTo, shows us that our rather „subservient“ sense of hearing, coupled with the uncanny 4‘ 33“ app, can also paint clear and vivid pictures in our mind. Devastated by a sudden and severe Tinnitus, PiTTo takes us along with him as he reluctantly befriends the constant droning in his ears, and in doing so, re-discovers the infinite power and possibilities of sound.
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  • SW9783347534599458270

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  • Artikelnummer SW9783347534599458270
  • Autor find_in_page PETER BERG
  • Mit find_in_page Karl Brandau, Martin Ulrich
  • Autoreninformationen Peter Berg, Jahrgang 1950, studierte Sprach- und… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Verlag find_in_page tredition GmbH
  • Veröffentlichung 01.04.2022
  • ISBN 9783347534599

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