Chivalry of a Failed Knight: Volume 5

Chivalry of a Failed Knight: Volume 5
At long last, Ikki has made it to the Seven Stars Battle Festival. Akatsuki seems to be maneuvering in the background, and Stella still hasn’t arrived in Osaka, where the tournament is being held, but Ikki is nevertheless excited for his upcoming matches. His meeting with his first opponent, Seven Stars Sovereign Morobishi Yuudai, only strengthens his resolve to give these battles his all. Before the tournament can even start, though, he finds himself embroiled in Akatsuki’s machinations, and he has to fight his brother, Kurogane Ouma. Will he be able to make it to the tournament safely?!
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Vorbestellerartikel: Dieser Artikel erscheint am 11. April 2025

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  • SW9781718347205450914

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