The Freedom of Surrender

Forty Devotions for a Joyful Life in Christ

The Freedom of Surrender
Find joy and freedom in surrender Letting go is hard. To surrender is to let go of what we tightly grip, the good and the bad. It's a relinquishing of control, a recognition that God alone can meet our deepest needs. It's a holy pause that entrusts each hope, each worry, and each pressing concern to the One whose love for us is beyond measure. And in this surrender, we enter into freedom. But, even so, letting go often feels easier said than done. In The Freedom of Surrender, author Mary DeMuth invites you to journey through forty days of entrusting specific areas of your life to God—your inner struggles, your family, your expectations, your regrets, your ministry, your... alles anzeigen expand_more

Find joy and freedom in surrender

Letting go is hard.

To surrender is to let go of what we tightly grip, the good and the bad. It's a relinquishing of control, a recognition that God alone can meet our deepest needs. It's a holy pause that entrusts each hope, each worry, and each pressing concern to the One whose love for us is beyond measure. And in this surrender, we enter into freedom. But, even so, letting go often feels easier said than done.

In The Freedom of Surrender, author Mary DeMuth invites you to journey through forty days of entrusting specific areas of your life to God—your inner struggles, your family, your expectations, your regrets, your ministry, your grief, your relationships, your job, your health, your finances, your future, and more. Every daily devotion includes Scripture, prayer, and Mary's original art that help you cast each care on the One who cares for you.

On this forty-day journey, you'll learn:

- How to trust that God is in control, even in moments of chaos and stress.

- True joy and freedom can happen when we release what we're holding too tightly.

- God's plan is to see you thrive and grow.

- Prayer opens the door to freedom and peace.

- Even in your struggles, you are never alone.When we entrust our stresses and worries to God, we embrace the reality that's always been true: Our "control" is an illusion. God alone can meet our needs, heal our wounds, and guide our steps. From this place of total reliance on God, we can experience deep joy and the peace that passes understanding.

What are you holding too tightly? Experience freedom as you invite Jesus to help you surrender all.

Mary DeMuth has written over fifty books, including The Most Overlooked Women of the Bible and 90-Day Bible Reading Challenge. Through her podcast Pray Every Day and her speaking events around the globe, Mary seeks to help people heal from past trauma and live re-storied lives as followers of Jesus. Mary is married to Patrick and has three adult children.

Introduction: Why Surrendering Is a Necessary Spiritual Practice
Part 1: Surrender My Inner Life

Day 1. I Surrender My Sin

Day 2. I Surrender My Stubbornness

Day 3. I Surrender My Security

Day 4. I Surrender My Cynicism

Day 5. I Surrender My Apathy

Day 6. I Surrender My Inner Bully

Day 7. I Surrender My Impatience

Day 8. I Surrender My Anger
Part 2: Surrender My Past

Day 9. I Surrender My Bitterness

Day 10. I Surrender My Past Struggles

Day 11. I Surrender the Words Spoken Over Me

Day 12. I Surrender My Difficult Memories

Day 13. I Surrender My Trauma

Day 14. I Surrender My Healing Journey

Day 15. I Surrender My Grief

Day 16. I Surrender My Regrets
Part 3: Surrender My Relationships

Day 17. I Surrender My Broken Relationship

Day 18. I Surrender My Relational Failure

Day 19. I Surrender When I Disappointed Someone

Day 20. I Surrender My Desire for that Person to Change

Day 21. I Surrender My Friendships

Day 22. I Surrender My Need to Be Right

Day 23. I Surrender My Relational Hopes

Day 24. I Surrender My Current Family
Part 4: Surrender My Daily Life

Day 25. I Surrender My Habits

Day 26. I Surrender My Appearance

Day 27. I Surrender that Particular Outcome

Day 28. I Surrender My Finances

Day 29. I Surrender the World's Wisdom

Day 30. I Surrender My Job

Day 31. I Surrender My Gifts

Day 32. I Surrender My Way of Doing Things
Part 5: Surrender My Worries

Day 33. I Surrender My Reputation

Day 34. I Surrender My Expectations

Day 35. I Surrender Growing Older

Day 36. I Surrender My Health

Day 37. I Surrender My Agenda

Day 38. I Surrender My Burnout

Day 39. I Surrender My Ministry

Day 40. I Surrender My Future

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  • SW9781514011355110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781514011355110164
  • Autor find_in_page Mary DeMuth
  • Autoreninformationen Mary DeMuth has written over fifty books, including The Most… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page IVP
  • Seitenzahl 128
  • Veröffentlichung 14.10.2025
  • ISBN 9781514011355

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