AI Goes to Church

Pastoral Wisdom for Artificial Intelligence

AI Goes to Church
Thinking Theologically About Artificial Intelligence AI Goes to Church unpacks one of the most significant technological advancements of our time—artificial intelligence—and what it means for the ministry. More than just another tech fad, AI presents both profound challenges and extraordinary opportunities for the church. This book equips pastors, ministry leaders, and thoughtful laypeople to engage with AI through a biblical and theological lens, fostering human flourishing while remaining grounded in Christ's teachings. Writing in an accessible, nontechnical style, pastor and missiologist Todd Korpi seamlessly integrates theological reflection with practical... alles anzeigen expand_more

Thinking Theologically About Artificial Intelligence

AI Goes to Church unpacks one of the most significant technological advancements of our time—artificial intelligence—and what it means for the ministry. More than just another tech fad, AI presents both profound challenges and extraordinary opportunities for the church. This book equips pastors, ministry leaders, and thoughtful laypeople to engage with AI through a biblical and theological lens, fostering human flourishing while remaining grounded in Christ's teachings.

Writing in an accessible, nontechnical style, pastor and missiologist Todd Korpi seamlessly integrates theological reflection with practical application. Whether you're grappling with ethical concerns, curious about leveraging AI for mission, or simply seeking clarity in this rapidly changing landscape, this book provides the guidance you need to steward AI wisely in service of God's kingdom.

With its emphasis on thoughtful, lasting principles over fleeting technical hacks, AI Goes to Church serves as your road map to faithfully navigating the complexities of faith, technology, and human flourishing.

In AI Goes to Church, you'll find:

- A Theological Foundation: Gain a deep understanding of how AI intersects with Christian theology, exploring implications for human identity, the image of God, and the church's mission.

- Ethical Discernment: Learn to critically evaluate AI's potential to enhance human flourishing while remaining vigilant to its risks, such as harm to vulnerable populations.

- Practical Integration: Explore actionable insights for leveraging AI in areas like discipleship and mission, while staying true to the gospel.

- A Missional Vision: Understand how to see digital spaces as mission fields and use AI creatively to engage those who might not be reached otherwise.

- Hopeful Engagement: Approach the technological age with confidence, holding on to biblical principles while discerning how to innovate with integrity.AI represents a profound challenge—but also extraordinary opportunities—for today's church. Whether you're a pastor, ministry leader, or thoughtful believer—discover how faith and technology can intersect in meaningful ways. Get your copy of AI Goes to Church today and navigate this new era with a gospel-centered vision.

Todd Korpi (DMiss, Fuller Theological Seminary) is a pastor, missiologist, and church consultant. He is dean of digital ministry programs at Ascent College, assistant professor of Christian leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary, and works in several capacities at OneHope. He also serves as the lead researcher of the Digital Mission Consortia, a collaborative research initiative exploring the frontier of digital ministry. Todd is the author of Your Daughters Shall Prophesy and The Life-Giving Spirit. He and his wife, Tara, live in Chicagoland with their three daughters.

1. A Brave New World

2. Understanding Artificial Intelligence

3. Scripture and the Challenge of Modern Technology

4. AI and the Image of God

5. AI Theology and Ethics

6. AI and the Mission of the Church

7. AI and Social Justice

8. AI and the Future of Work

9. Pastoral Care and Artificial Clergy

10. AI and Christian Education

11. Principles and Practices of Ministry AI



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  • SW9781514011256110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781514011256110164
  • Autor find_in_page Todd Korpi
  • Mit find_in_page Ed Stetzer
  • Autoreninformationen Todd Korpi (DMiss, Fuller Theological Seminary) is a pastor,… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page IVP
  • Seitenzahl 240
  • Veröffentlichung 30.09.2025
  • ISBN 9781514011256

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