Spaniel Survival Guide

Spaniel Survival Guide
Spaniels are some of the most popular dog breeds, fulfilling working and companion roles in society. While spaniels are typically sociable, outgoing, optimistic and friendly, they have retained many traits reflective of their working gundog origins, such as hunting, retrieving, speed and stamina. These remain essential for working Spaniels, but for Spaniels and their caregivers who find themselves in a more domestic situation, these traits can sometimes prove challenging. This book is an essential guide for anyone who lives with or is thinking about living with spaniels and wants to understand them more. Written by a canine scientist with decades of experience with cocker spaniels,... alles anzeigen expand_more

Spaniels are some of the most popular dog breeds, fulfilling working and companion roles in society. While spaniels are typically sociable, outgoing, optimistic and friendly, they have retained many traits reflective of their working gundog origins, such as hunting, retrieving, speed and stamina. These remain essential for working Spaniels, but for Spaniels and their caregivers who find themselves in a more domestic situation, these traits can sometimes prove challenging. This book is an essential guide for anyone who lives with or is thinking about living with spaniels and wants to understand them more. Written by a canine scientist with decades of experience with cocker spaniels, this book explores the origin, care, management and training of spaniels. It considers how to develop a responsive and supportive relationship with your spaniel, and examines practical and fair training approaches to support health, welfare and behaviour in a clear and accessible way.

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Vorbestellerartikel: Dieser Artikel erscheint am 22. April 2025

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18,49 €

  • SW9780719845031110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780719845031110164
  • Autor find_in_page Jacqueline Boyd
  • Autoreninformationen Dr Jacqueline Boyd lectures, coaches and consults on all aspects of… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page The Crowood Press
  • Seitenzahl 160
  • Veröffentlichung 22.04.2025
  • ISBN 9780719845031

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