Alternative Lithography

A printmaker's guide to working with foil, wood, lino, paper and polyester

Alternative Lithography
Alternative Lithography is a practical and beautiful guide to planographic printmaking techniques that depend upon the principle of water and grease repelling each other. Lithography traditionally used stone, but this book showcases the range of new techniques that are being developed with, for example, foil, wood and lino as a matrix. Showing how lithography can be affordable and accessible, it explains versatile and exciting processes that give artists an unparalleled range of tonality and mark making. Step-by-step sequences explain the process, examples show the types of marks that can be achieved and troubleshooting notes make this book a complete reference for all printmakers... alles anzeigen expand_more

Alternative Lithography is a practical and beautiful guide to planographic printmaking techniques that depend upon the principle of water and grease repelling each other. Lithography traditionally used stone, but this book showcases the range of new techniques that are being developed with, for example, foil, wood and lino as a matrix. Showing how lithography can be affordable and accessible, it explains versatile and exciting processes that give artists an unparalleled range of tonality and mark making. Step-by-step sequences explain the process, examples show the types of marks that can be achieved and troubleshooting notes make this book a complete reference for all printmakers interested in exploring these new ideas for lithography.

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Vorbestellerartikel: Dieser Artikel erscheint am 22. April 2025

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22,49 €

  • SW9780719845017110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780719845017110164
  • Autor find_in_page Scarlett Rebecca
  • Autoreninformationen Scarlett Rebecca is a printmaker, specialising in stone and… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page The Crowood Press
  • Seitenzahl 192
  • Veröffentlichung 22.04.2025
  • ISBN 9780719845017

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