Private Tutor to the Duke’s Daughter (Manga) Volume 3

Private Tutor to the Duke’s Daughter (Manga) Volume 3
Tina has finally tapped into her magical talents. But despite her potent spells, her father the duke seems determined to renege on his promise and bar her path to the Royal Academy. Now her hopes and Ellie’s ride on one final test: a duel to prove that they can hold their own. The fledgling sorceresses have come far under the guidance of their brilliant young tutor, Allen, but their masked opponent won’t make things easy. To win her father’s approval, Tina will need to overcome her own house’s greatest strength. Can her newfound skills possibly measure up, even with friends at her back? And what drives the duke’s obsession with keeping her close at hand?... alles anzeigen expand_more

Tina has finally tapped into her magical talents. But despite her potent spells, her father the duke seems determined to renege on his promise and bar her path to the Royal Academy. Now her hopes and Ellie’s ride on one final test: a duel to prove that they can hold their own. The fledgling sorceresses have come far under the guidance of their brilliant young tutor, Allen, but their masked opponent won’t make things easy. To win her father’s approval, Tina will need to overcome her own house’s greatest strength. Can her newfound skills possibly measure up, even with friends at her back? And what drives the duke’s obsession with keeping her close at hand?

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Vorbestellerartikel: Dieser Artikel erscheint am 26. März 2025

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8,64 €

  • SW9781718316904450914

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