HCC 169 - SUPERMAX: The Max and Angela Trilogy

HCC 169 - SUPERMAX: The Max and Angela Trilogy
A pitch-black crime comedy from two of the hottest thriller writers on either side of the Atlantic, Supermax is a bloody, bawdy odyssey of drug dealing, adultery, and murder for fans of Elmore Leonard, Carl Hiaasen, and Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho. THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS CRIME STORY EVER TOLD – FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ONE VOLUME! When a small-time businessman who's a legend in his own mind (that would be Max) hatches a plan with his sexpot secretary (that's Angela) to murder his wife and live happily ever after, you might think everything would go smoothly – but Max and Angela are in for the ride of their lives, as an escalating series of bad decisions and worse... alles anzeigen expand_more

A pitch-black crime comedy from two of the hottest thriller writers on either side of the Atlantic, Supermax is a bloody, bawdy odyssey of drug dealing, adultery, and murder for fans of Elmore Leonard, Carl Hiaasen, and Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho.



When a small-time businessman who's a legend in his own mind (that would be Max) hatches a plan with his sexpot secretary (that's Angela) to murder his wife and live happily ever after, you might think everything would go smoothly – but Max and Angela are in for the ride of their lives, as an escalating series of bad decisions and worse luck plunges them into a tsunami of crime and depravity featuring IRA hitmen, an aspiring serial killer, a wheelchair-bound blackmailer, trigger-happy drug dealers, and the warring factions in one of the world's deadliest prisons.

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Vorbestellerartikel: Dieser Artikel erscheint am 11. November 2025

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  • SW9781835412268110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781835412268110164
  • Autor find_in_page Ken Bruen, Jason Starr
  • Autoreninformationen Ken Bruen has been nominated for nearly every major award in the… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Titan Books
  • Seitenzahl 608
  • Veröffentlichung 11.11.2025
  • ISBN 9781835412268

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