Chaos King

Chaos King
When the world burns, Ash will rise. The explosive sequel to instant New York Times bestseller Infinity Alchemist. Ever since he rose up against his father and saved New Anglia from destruction, Ash has been struggling to adapt to his new life. He has nightmares every night, haunted by strange black orbs and his screaming dead mother. Ash is sure she's trying to warn him that the world is still in danger, and becomes determined to find a way to speak to her again - but communicating with the dead isn't easy, even for an alchemist as powerful as Ash. It doesn't help that violent anti-alchemist sentiment is spreading across New Anglia. When Ash is captured by a radical... alles anzeigen expand_more

When the world burns, Ash will rise. The explosive sequel to instant New York Times bestseller Infinity Alchemist.

Ever since he rose up against his father and saved New Anglia from destruction, Ash has been struggling to adapt to his new life. He has nightmares every night, haunted by strange black orbs and his screaming dead mother. Ash is sure she's trying to warn him that the world is still in danger, and becomes determined to find a way to speak to her again - but communicating with the dead isn't easy, even for an alchemist as powerful as Ash.

It doesn't help that violent anti-alchemist sentiment is spreading across New Anglia. When Ash is captured by a radical alchemist group, inspired by his father's legacy, he must decide if alchemist rights can be trusted in the hands of the Houses, along with his partners Callum and Ramsay - or if Ash must follow the path his father laid for him, and become the leader of an alchemist revolution.

Can Ash keep his relationships together and stop the world from falling apart?

Kacen Callender is the bestselling and award-winning author of multiple novels for children, teens and adults, including the Stonewall Honor Book Felix Ever After and the National Book Award for Young People's Literature winner King and the Dragonflies. Their adult fantasy, Queen of the Conquered, was a World Fantasy Award 2020 winner for Best Novel, named one of the 100 Best Fantasy Novels of All Time by Time Magazine and one of the 50 Best Fantasy Novels of All Time by Esquire.

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  • SW9780571383870110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780571383870110164
  • Autor find_in_page Kacen Callender
  • Autoreninformationen Born and raised in St. Thomas of the US Virgin Islands, Kacen… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Faber & Faber
  • Seitenzahl 384
  • Veröffentlichung 08.04.2025
  • ISBN 9780571383870

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