The Otome Heroine's Fight for Survival: Volume 5

The Otome Heroine's Fight for Survival: Volume 5
After the dungeon expedition, Alia accepts a personal request from Elena to accompany the princess as a guard and close aide at the Sorcerers’ Academy. Finally, Elena—and Alia—are now attending the very same prestigious institution where the otome game’s plot originally began. However, Alia’s fight against fate has wrought many changes to the story, and while Alia deals with her new duties, she must also navigate this new storyline and interact with various characters from the game all gathered at the school. But there is a strange addition to the familiar faces: a girl calling herself Alicia, who seems intent on taking on the role of the original... alles anzeigen expand_more

After the dungeon expedition, Alia accepts a personal request from Elena to accompany the princess as a guard and close aide at the Sorcerers’ Academy. Finally, Elena—and Alia—are now attending the very same prestigious institution where the otome game’s plot originally began. However, Alia’s fight against fate has wrought many changes to the story, and while Alia deals with her new duties, she must also navigate this new storyline and interact with various characters from the game all gathered at the school. But there is a strange addition to the familiar faces: a girl calling herself Alicia, who seems intent on taking on the role of the original heroine!

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Vorbestellerartikel: Dieser Artikel erscheint am 30. Juni 2025

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7,63 €

  • SW9781718311565450914

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