Galaxies and Formation

Galaxies and Formation
Galaxies and Formation explores how the universe evolved from a uniform state to the complex arrangement of galaxies we see today. It presents galaxy formation as a hierarchical process, where smaller structures merge and accrete over time. One intriguing fact is that galaxy mergers play a crucial role in shaping galaxy morphology and triggering star formation. The book emphasizes the interplay between gravity, dark matter, and gas dynamics in governing galaxy evolution. The book begins by establishing the cosmological background and the role of dark matter, then moves to the formation of the first stars and galaxies. It examines how galaxies evolve through mergers, gas... alles anzeigen expand_more

Galaxies and Formation explores how the universe evolved from a uniform state to the complex arrangement of galaxies we see today. It presents galaxy formation as a hierarchical process, where smaller structures merge and accrete over time. One intriguing fact is that galaxy mergers play a crucial role in shaping galaxy morphology and triggering star formation. The book emphasizes the interplay between gravity, dark matter, and gas dynamics in governing galaxy evolution.

The book begins by establishing the cosmological background and the role of dark matter, then moves to the formation of the first stars and galaxies. It examines how galaxies evolve through mergers, gas accretion, and the influence of supermassive black holes. The diversity of galaxy types, from spirals to ellipticals, is analyzed in relation to physical processes. The book concludes by exploring the large-scale distribution of galaxies within the cosmic web and the implications for the universe's future, drawing upon observational data and simulations.

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