Thomas Ziegler
Perry Rhodan has discovered a huge space ship, an ark in space, carrying a population of humans who set out on their journey 55,000 years ago, from Earth - Lemurians, the legendary forefathers of mankind.
The alien Icho Tolot, one of Perry Rhodan's closest friends, is hurled back in time into the final years of the onslaught of the Beasts - his own ancestors. He becomes a witness to the devastation brought about by the Beasts on the Lemurians and meets the scientist Levian Parron. Unwittingly he inspires Parron to create the arks - and to undo the onslaught of the Beasts ...
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5,99 €
- Artikel-Nr.: SW167901
- Artikelnummer SW167901
Thomas Ziegler
- Verlag find_in_page Perry Rhodan digital
- Seitenzahl 320
- Veröffentlichung 04.02.2016
- ISBN 9783845333786
- Verlag find_in_page Perry Rhodan digital
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