The Ranger; Or, The Fugitives of the Border
At the southern part of Ohio, where the river of that name swerves from its south-western course, and makes a sweeping bend toward the north-west, many years ago stood a large and imposing dwelling. Its character, so different and superior to others found here and there along the Ohio, showed that its owner must have been a man both of superior taste and abundant means. It had been built by Sir William Leland, who had emigrated from Europe with his young wife, and erected a home in the western wilderness. Here they lived a goodly number of days; and when, at last, they took their departure within a year of each other, they left behind them a son and daughter to cherish and inherit their home...
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW19978
- Artikelnummer SW19978
- Autor Edward Sylvester Ellis
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag anboco
- Seitenzahl 199
- Veröffentlichung 10.09.2016
- ISBN 9783736414815