Great Battles Of The Great War

"Great Battles Of The Great War" is a masterwork of historical battle narratives of the First World War. Stephen Crane published this book for the Daily Chronicle. There are numerous maps added and it offers a perfect understanding of many military actions in the course of the war. Contents: I. The Heroic Defence Of Liége II. The Occupation Of Brussels. III. The Giant Conflict At Mons IV. The Masterly British Retreat. V. How Retreat Led To Victory VI. Louvain: The Brand Of Shame VII. The Dramatic Turning Point VIII. Paris Prepares For Siege IX. The Battle Of The Marne X. The Germans Hurled Back XI. The Battle Of The Rivers XII. A Historic Tug-Of-War XIII. The... alles anzeigen expand_more

"Great Battles Of The Great War" is a masterwork of historical battle narratives of the First World War. Stephen Crane published this book for the Daily Chronicle. There are numerous maps added and it offers a perfect understanding of many military actions in the course of the war.


I. The Heroic Defence Of Liége

II. The Occupation Of Brussels.

III. The Giant Conflict At Mons

IV. The Masterly British Retreat.

V. How Retreat Led To Victory

VI. Louvain: The Brand Of Shame

VII. The Dramatic Turning Point

VIII. Paris Prepares For Siege

IX. The Battle Of The Marne

X. The Germans Hurled Back

XI. The Battle Of The Rivers

XII. A Historic Tug-Of-War

XIII. The Fall Of Antwerp

XIV. The Fight For The Channel

XV. Britannia Rules The Waves

XVI. At Helgoland And Elsewhere

XVII. Losses And Gains At Sea

XVIII. The Eastern Campaign

XIX. The Conquering Russians

XX. The Clash Of Slav And Teuton

XXI. Great Events On The Vistula

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