Thomas Jefferson - His permanent influence on American institutions
Very popularly written, these lectures are seven in number, and treat respectively of Jefferson as revolutionist, democratizer of state institutions, diplomat, democratizer of federal institutions, and president, and of his influence upon freedom of religion in America and upon our educational institutions. Jefferson has not been entirely fortunate in his biographers, many of his points of view being so at odds with those of Europe that their effect has been distorted or minimized; but with Senator Williams his radical belief in democracy finds a sympathy rather whole-hearted than discriminating.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9783849648916
- Artikelnummer SW9783849648916
- Autor John Sharp Williams
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag Jazzybee Verlag
- Seitenzahl 368
- Veröffentlichung 27.04.2017
- ISBN 9783849648916