This collection includes all writings of Virginia Woolf published during her lifetime + all posthumously published writings until 1958. Adeline Virginia Woolf (25 January 1882 – 28 March 1941) was an English writer, and one of the foremost modernists of the twentieth century. During the interwar period, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a central figure in the influential Bloomsbury Group of intellectuals. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929), with its famous dictum, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9788074843464
- Artikelnummer SW9788074843464
Virginia Woolf
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag find_in_page Musaicum Books
- Seitenzahl 9655
- Veröffentlichung 06.10.2017
- ISBN 9788027217847
- Wasserzeichen ja
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