This early work by Sherwood Anderson was originally published in 1917. Marching Men is the story of Norman "Beaut" McGregor, a young man discontented with the powerlessness and lack of personal ambition among the miners of his hometown. After moving to Chicago he discovers his purpose is to empower workers by having them march in unison. Major themes of the novel include the organization of laborers, eradication of disorder, and the role of the exceptional man in society. The latter theme led post-World War II critics to compare Anderson's militaristic approach to homosocial order and the fascists of the War's Axis powers.
Sherwood Anderson (1876 – 1941) was an American novelist and short story writer, known for subjective and self-revealing works. Anderson published several short story collections, novels, memoirs, books of essays, and a book of poetry.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9788027231430
- Artikelnummer SW9788027231430
Sherwood Anderson
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag find_in_page Musaicum Books
- Seitenzahl 314
- Veröffentlichung 15.11.2017
- ISBN 9788027231430
- Wasserzeichen ja
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