The Scarlet Letter, The House of the Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, Fanshawe, The Marble Faun or The Romance of Monte Beni (Transformation) & The Dolliver Romance (unfinished)
Musaicum Books presents to you this carefully created volume of "The Complete Novels of Nathaniel Hawthorne - All 8 Books in One Edition". This ebook has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices.
The Scarlet Letter
The House of the Seven Gables
The Blithedale Romance
The Marble Faun or The Romance of Monte Beni (Transformation)
The Dolliver Romance (unfinished)
Septimius Felton or, the Elixir of Life
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret: A romance (unfinished)
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) was a 19th century American novelist and short story writer. He is seen as a key figure in the development of American literature for his tales of the nation's colonial history. Between about 1825 and 1850, he developed his talent by writing short fiction and the novel Fanshawe (1828). Then he gained international fame for his novel The Scarlet Letter, a masterpiece of American literature.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9788027231089
- Artikelnummer SW9788027231089
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag find_in_page Musaicum Books
- Seitenzahl 1207
- Veröffentlichung 15.11.2017
- ISBN 9788027231089
- Wasserzeichen ja
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