History of the House of Hanover
In September, 1714, seven weeks after Queen Anne died, the first king of a new royal House landed in England. Sophia of Hanover, daughter of the Elizabeth Stuart who was once for a few months Queen of Bohemia, had been named by the Act of Settlement (1701) as successor to her cousin Anne. And ever after Sophia longed to outlive Anne, if only for one day, so that she might call herself Queen of England before she died. But she had been dead already some four months; so it was not to her but to her son George Lewis, now King George I, that the English crown descended...
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9781531266431110164
- Artikelnummer SW9781531266431110164
C. J. B. Gaskoin
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag Ozymandias Press
- Seitenzahl 234
- Veröffentlichung 19.01.2018
- ISBN 9781531266431
- Wasserzeichen ja