The incredible third volume of the fantastic, mind-melting, sci-fi extravaganza, the Science Fiction Archive! Featuring: the Sky, by H. Beam Piper Bodyguard, by Christopher Grimm The Nostalgia Gene, by Roy Hutchins Second Childhood, by Clifford Simak Up for Renewal, by Lucius Daniel The Protector, by Betsy Curtis Jaywalker, by Ross Rocklynne Picture Bride, by William Morrison Pollony Undiverted, by Sydney Van Scyoc Don't Shoot, by Robert Zacks The Deep One, by Neil Ruzic Rattle Ok, by Harry Warner Inside Earth, by Poul Anderson Name Your Symptom, by Jim Harmon Volpla, by Wyman Guin Spoken For, by William Morrison Whiskaboom, by Alan Arkin Nothing But the Best, by Alan Cogan The Princess and the Physicist, by Evelyn E. Smith Cause of Death, by Max Tadlock Where the World is Quiet, by C.H. Liddell My Lady Greensleeves, by Frederik Pohl McIlvaine's Star, by August Derleth The Rag and Bone Men, by Algis Budrys
Henry Beam Piper (March 23, 1904 - c.November 6, 1964) was an American science fiction author. He wrote many short stories and several novels. He is best known for his extensive Terro-Human Future History series of stories and a shorter series of "Paratime" alternate history tales.
He wrote under the name H. Beam Piper. Another source gives his name as "Horace Beam Piper" and a different date of death. His gravestone says "Henry Beam Piper". Piper himself may have been the source of part of the confusion; he told people the H stood for Horace, encouraging the assumption that he used the initial because he disliked his name. On a copy of "Little Fuzzy" given to Charles O. Piper, Beam's cousin and executor, he wrote "To Charles from Henry."
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9783964540409110164
- Artikelnummer SW9783964540409110164
H. Beam Piper, Evelyn E. Smith, Clifford Simak, Poul Anderson, Frederik Pohl, Christopher Grimm
- Mit find_in_page Rey Bertran
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag find_in_page Aeterna Classics
- Seitenzahl 565
- Veröffentlichung 28.05.2018
- ISBN 9783964540409
- Mit find_in_page Rey Bertran
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