The fourth incredible installment of the Science Fiction Archive, edited by the time-traveling genius Rey Bertran!
Proof of the Pudding, by Robert Sheckley
Where the World is Quiet, by C.H. Liddell
Business for the Lawyers, by Ralph Robin
The Observers, by G.L. Vandenburg
Infinite Intruder, by Alan Nourse
Where the PHPH Pebbles Go, by Miriam Allen DeFord
The Snare, by Richard Smith
X Marks the Pedwalk, by Fritz Leiber
Education of a Martian, by Joseph Shallit
The Light on Precipice Peak, by Stephen Tall
Not Fit for Children, by Evelyn E. Smith
Thin Edge, by Johnathan Blake Mackenzie
Where There's Hope, by Jerome Bixby
Mars Confidential, By Jack Lait & Lee Mortimer
What Do You Read?, by Boyd Ellanby
The Moons of Mars, by Dean Evans
Fee of the Frontier, by H.B. Fyfe
Sweet Tooth, by Robert Young
The Highest Mountain, by Bryce Walton
Half Past Alligator, by Donald Colvin
The Rag and Bone Men, by Algis Budrys
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9783964542991110164
- Artikelnummer SW9783964542991110164
Fritz Leiber, Robert Sheckley, H. B. Fyfe, Jerome Bixby, Alan Nourse, Evelyn E. Smith, Rey Bertran
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag find_in_page Aeterna Classics
- Seitenzahl 270
- Veröffentlichung 12.06.2018
- ISBN 9783964542991
- Wasserzeichen ja
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