The End Of All Excuses | The Story Behind Germans Top Management Coach

In this book, Boris Grundl shows how he took his destiny into his own hands at the absolute lowest point in order to lead his life self-determined and freely. For the convinced optimist, the greatest happiness today lies in inspiring other people to develop their potential. A moving book about mental strength and personal development and the story of an incredible life. He is in his mid-twenties and a hopeful top athlete when it happens: an accident - and Boris Grundl is paraplegic. But he doesn't give up. He is the first wheelchair user to complete his studies in sports science. He becomes a wheelchair seller and rises to become marketing and sales director in a large corporation.... alles anzeigen expand_more

In this book, Boris Grundl shows how he took his destiny into his own hands at the absolute lowest point in order to lead his life self-determined and freely. For the convinced optimist, the greatest happiness today lies in inspiring other people to develop their potential. A moving book about mental strength and personal development and the story of an incredible life. He is in his mid-twenties and a hopeful top athlete when it happens: an accident - and Boris Grundl is paraplegic. But he doesn't give up. He is the first wheelchair user to complete his studies in sports science. He becomes a wheelchair seller and rises to become marketing and sales director in a large corporation. Along the way, he becomes one of the best wheelchair rugby players in the world. Today he is a successful business coach and impresses with his authenticity.

Boris Grundl ist Managementberater, Unternehmer, Führungsexperte, Coach und Redner. Mit seinem Leadership-Institut berät er Firmen wie Daimler, SAP oder die Deutsche Bank. Er ist Gastdozent an mehreren Universitäten, hat regelmäßig Kolumnen in der Frankfurter Rundschau, in Wirtschaft + Weiterbildung sowie dem F&E Manager, er erforscht das Thema Verantwortung und setzt sich ehrenamtlich für Schüler ein.

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  • SW9783843721592425031

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  • Artikelnummer SW9783843721592425031
  • Autor find_in_page Boris Grundl
  • Mit find_in_page Marc Wilch
  • Autoreninformationen Boris Grundl, geboren 1965, ist Managementberater, Unternehmer,… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Ullstein Ebooks
  • Seitenzahl 288
  • Veröffentlichung 03.04.2023
  • ISBN 9783843721592

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