The Spinners' Book of Fiction by Spinners Club
A great collection of short stories by classic authors. Featured here are stories by: Gertrude Atherton, Mary Austin, Geraldine Bonner, Mary Halleck Foote, Eleanor Gates, James Hopper, Jack London, Bailey Millard, Miriam Michelson, W. C. Morrow, Frank Norris, Henry Milner Rideout, Charles Warren Stoddard, Isobel Strong, Richard Walton Tully and Herman Whitaker.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9783968650258369098
- Artikelnummer SW9783968650258369098
Gertrude Atherton
- Verlag OTB eBook publishing
- Seitenzahl 220
- Veröffentlichung 01.01.2020
- ISBN 9783968650258
- Verlag OTB eBook publishing