Law of attraction. New Thought. Сlassic collection. Illustrated

The Quimby Manuscripts. Isis Unveiled. The Dore Lectures on Mental Science. Your Forces and How to Use Them. Think and Grow Rich

The "Law of Attraction" asserts that people and their thoughts consist of pure energy, that, if channeled correctly, would allow a person to improve his or her health, relationships, and other aspects of life. This collection presents the core writings produced by the supporters of the "New Thought" movement. The books describe techniques (visualization, affirmation, meditation, pranayama breathing and relaxation methods, etc.) to help transform negative and destructive thoughts into positive thoughts and actions that will help readers to route their lives in a positive direction. Contents: Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. Horatio Willis Dresser. The Quimby Manuscripts H. P. Blavatsky.... alles anzeigen expand_more

The "Law of Attraction" asserts that people and their thoughts consist of pure energy, that, if channeled correctly, would allow a person to improve his or her health, relationships, and other aspects of life.

This collection presents the core writings produced by the supporters of the "New Thought" movement. The books describe techniques (visualization, affirmation, meditation, pranayama breathing and relaxation methods, etc.) to help transform negative and destructive thoughts into positive thoughts and actions that will help readers to route their lives in a positive direction.


Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. Horatio Willis Dresser. The Quimby Manuscripts

H. P. Blavatsky. Isis Unveiled

Thomas Troward. The Dore Lectures on Mental Science

Prentice Mulford. Your Forces and How to Use Them

Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich

This collection presents the core writings produced by the supporters of the "New Thought" movement.

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