Okinawa Sai-jutsu


With over 250 photographs, this book is an illustrated presentation of the art of the Okinawan Sai-jutsu. With its comprehensive commentary on stances, basic techniques, and bunkai, it is an essential companion for students, teachers and friends of classical Kobudō. Additionally, the basic kata Ni Chō Sai is completely presented in this book with written explanations and photographs. The author, Sensei Jamal Measara, is a foremost authority in the field of Okinawan Martial Arts. Malaysian by birth, he has made Germany his base since 1980. He travels the globe teaching and spreading the classical martial arts of Okinawa. Jamal Measara, Schüler von Shimabukuro Zenpo... alles anzeigen expand_more

With over 250 photographs, this book is an illustrated presentation of the art of the Okinawan Sai-jutsu. With its comprehensive commentary on stances, basic techniques, and bunkai, it is an essential companion for students, teachers and friends of classical Kobudō. Additionally, the basic kata Ni Chō Sai is completely presented in this book with written explanations and photographs. The author, Sensei Jamal Measara, is a foremost authority in the field of Okinawan Martial Arts. Malaysian by birth, he has made Germany his base since 1980. He travels the globe teaching and spreading the classical martial arts of Okinawa.

Jamal Measara, Schüler von Shimabukuro Zenpo und Donn F. Draeger, zählt zu den weltweit besten Kennern der traditionellen okinawanischen Kampfkünste. Er wurde 1949 in Malaysia geboren und lebt seit 1980 in Deutschland. In seinen Lehrgängen, die ihn in zahlreiche Länder führen, verbreitet und lehrt er die klassischen Kampfkünste Okinawas.

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