The Admirable Tinker

Child of the World

Edgar Jepson was a prolific English writer whose career spanned from the eighteen-nineties to the nineteen-thirties. He achieved fame principally for his entertaining mainstream detective and adventure stories, although he also wrote two fantasies, „The Horned Shepherd” and „The Garden at 19”. If you enjoy the works of Edgar Jepson then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection. The title character of „The Admirable Tinker” is repeatedly described as an angel child and has a knack for attracting improbably large sums of money. Tinker plays tricks on people, and most of the time they serve some kind of practical purpose, but the... alles anzeigen expand_more

Edgar Jepson was a prolific English writer whose career spanned from the eighteen-nineties to the nineteen-thirties. He achieved fame principally for his entertaining mainstream detective and adventure stories, although he also wrote two fantasies, „The Horned Shepherd” and „The Garden at 19”. If you enjoy the works of Edgar Jepson then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection. The title character of „The Admirable Tinker” is repeatedly described as an angel child and has a knack for attracting improbably large sums of money. Tinker plays tricks on people, and most of the time they serve some kind of practical purpose, but the favorite thing about him is how perfectly at home he is in all situations.

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