The Shadow Crook
Aidan de Brune has been described as the Edgar Wallace of Australia. De Brune was a Canadian-born writer who settled in Australia. His latest novel, „The Shadow Crook,” certainly justifies the claim. It is an amazing story of a master criminal who terrorized Sydney, taunted the police, and baffled the finger-print experts. „The Shadow Crook” raided the detective offices in Sydney, bound and gagged the fingerprint expert, and ransacked his records. Who was he? Why did he take the tremendous risk of breaking into police headquarters? What connection had he with the death of Stacey Carr, and the disappearance of valuable jewels? A very private vengeance stalks Sydney’s underground.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9788381621526450914
- Artikelnummer SW9788381621526450914
- Autor Aidan de Brune
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag
- Seitenzahl 281
- Veröffentlichung 01.08.2018
- ISBN 9788381621526