The Radium Seekers

Early science fiction, a cult classic, an enjoyable adventure. The story opens when our hero and his friends go to South America to look for radium, which has anti-gravity properties, and battle with a race of cruel Inca-type people who use the radium to fly, and disguise themselves as giant birds and terrorize the locals. „The Radium Seekers” is a fairly good novel written by Frank Aubrey. Francis Henry „Frank” Atkins (1847–1927) was a British writer of „pulp fiction”, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton... alles anzeigen expand_more

Early science fiction, a cult classic, an enjoyable adventure. The story opens when our hero and his friends go to South America to look for radium, which has anti-gravity properties, and battle with a race of cruel Inca-type people who use the radium to fly, and disguise themselves as giant birds and terrorize the locals. „The Radium Seekers” is a fairly good novel written by Frank Aubrey. Francis Henry „Frank” Atkins (1847–1927) was a British writer of „pulp fiction”, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash.

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