Joke book for everyone

This joke book is suitable for everyone who likes to smile, laugh, giggle, or giggle with laughter. In particular for children from the age of 6, young people, teenagers, adults, mums, dads, grandpas, grandmas, early retirees, pensioners, seniors, cyclists, bus drivers, train drivers, station wagon drivers, sports car drivers, convertible drivers, poolside swimmers, sauna underseat, early evening check-in, double-named wives, so handy for everyone (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone!)! Heiko Boos, born in 1976, fell in love with books and technology at a young age. At the age of 19 he founded his first company during his vocational training. The most important thing in life that... alles anzeigen expand_more

This joke book is suitable for everyone who likes to smile, laugh, giggle, or giggle with laughter. In particular for children from the age of 6, young people, teenagers, adults, mums, dads, grandpas, grandmas, early retirees, pensioners, seniors, cyclists, bus drivers, train drivers, station wagon drivers, sports car drivers, convertible drivers, poolside swimmers, sauna underseat, early evening check-in, double-named wives, so handy for everyone (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone!)!

Heiko Boos, born in 1976, fell in love with books and technology at a young age. At the age of 19 he founded his first company during his vocational training. The most important thing in life that you should never forget is fun and humor!

This joke book is suitable for everyone who likes to smile, laugh, giggle, or giggle with laughter.

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