E. E. Smith
A churning nuclear fireball, appearing out of nowhere, bringing utter destruction--and countless numbers of them were menacing planets throughout the Galaxy! Storm Cloud, nucleonic genius, set out in his spaceship Vortex Blaster to track and destroy the mysterious vortices--and embarked on a saga of adventure, discovery and conflict among the far stars that could have been told only by the incomparable Doc Smith. (Goodreads)
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9783987446252369098
- Artikelnummer SW9783987446252369098
E. E. Smith
- Verlag find_in_page OTB eBook publishing
- Seitenzahl 184
- Veröffentlichung 01.01.2022
- ISBN 9783987446252
- Verlag find_in_page OTB eBook publishing
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