The Green Hedge Witch

2nd Edition

Rae Beth, author of the bestselling Hedge Witch, here blends the ancient traditions of hedge witchcraft with our modern concerns for the natural world. Working in liminal places and with wild spirits, she shows how we can both help to heal the human relationship with the natural world and cast spells of increase for threatened species. The Green Hedge Witch is based in the knowledge that we are part of nature, not apart from Her and that this gives us our power and potential as well as our responsibilities. And therefore, by the use of rites, spirit journeys and elven help, we can work heartfelt healing magic. This is a book for the budding spellcaster as well as the experienced... alles anzeigen expand_more

Rae Beth, author of the bestselling Hedge Witch, here blends the ancient traditions of hedge witchcraft with our modern concerns for the natural world. Working in liminal places and with wild spirits, she shows how we can both help to heal the human relationship with the natural world and cast spells of increase for threatened species. The Green Hedge Witch is based in the knowledge that we are part of nature, not apart from Her and that this gives us our power and potential as well as our responsibilities. And therefore, by the use of rites, spirit journeys and elven help, we can work heartfelt healing magic. This is a book for the budding spellcaster as well as the experienced hedge witch. This charming book holds something magical for everyone, whether you are a beginner, a practising Hedge Witch or merely interested in the wonders of nature and the hidden secrets that surround us.

Rae Beth is a hedge witch and fay with many lifetimes of magical experience behind her. She writes books and poems, and gives talks on magical subjects. Her aim is to assist people to meet with the land spirits and with those from Faerie. Her bestselling works include Hedge Witch, The Hedge Witch's Way and Spellcraft for Hedge Witches.

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  • SW9780719826467110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780719826467110164
  • Autor find_in_page Rae Beth
  • Autoreninformationen Rae Beth is a hedge witch and fay with many lifetimes of magical… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Robert Hale Non Fiction
  • Seitenzahl 176
  • Veröffentlichung 19.02.2018
  • ISBN 9780719826467

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