Blood Fever

James Bond has discovered danger. Now it's come looking for him.An Eton boy's family disappears at sea. A shadowy secret society meets in a hidden corner of James' school. And far from England, in the bandit-infested interior of Sardinia, the sinister count Carnifex has built himself a mountain fortress. Is there a connection? Young Bond is about to find out - and face a lethal group of villains beneath the burning Mediterranean sun. Blood Fever is the second book in Charlie Higson's explosive Young Bond series. Charlie Higson started writing when he was ten years old. After university he was a singer and painter and decorator before he started writing for television. He went on... alles anzeigen expand_more

James Bond has discovered danger. Now it's come looking for him.An Eton boy's family disappears at sea. A shadowy secret society meets in a hidden corner of James' school. And far from England, in the bandit-infested interior of Sardinia, the sinister count Carnifex has built himself a mountain fortress. Is there a connection? Young Bond is about to find out - and face a lethal group of villains beneath the burning Mediterranean sun. Blood Fever is the second book in Charlie Higson's explosive Young Bond series.

Charlie Higson started writing when he was ten years old. After university he was a singer and painter and decorator before he started writing for television. He went on to create and star in the hugely successful comedy series The Fast Show. He is the author of the bestselling Young Bond books and the incredibly successful horror series, The Enemy. Charlie doesn't do Facebook, but you can tweet him @monstroso.

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