William King
Illidan Stormrage is one of the most powerful beings ever to walk the lands of Azeroth. He is also one of the least understood. Behind his legend, beneath his enigmatic mission, lies a brilliant mind whose machinations are comprehended by few - and trusted by even fewer. Illidan's righteous reign of justice and vengeance has begun, taking the stunning adventure, intrigue, and heroism of World of Warcraft to a new level.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9781785652424110164
- Artikelnummer SW9781785652424110164
William King
- Autoreninformationen William King is the creator of the bestselling Gotrek and Felix… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
William King is the creator of the bestselling Gotrek and Felix series for Black Library and the author of the bestselling Space Wolf books, which between them have sold over 750,000 copies in English and been translated into 8 languages. He has been nominated for the David Gemmell Legend Award and has twice won the Origins Awards For Game Design.- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag find_in_page Titan Books
- Seitenzahl 320
- Veröffentlichung 12.04.2016
- ISBN 9781785652424
- Autoreninformationen William King is the creator of the bestselling Gotrek and Felix… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
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