Dot and Anton

Gadzooks!' said Dot ... 'The things that boy can do!'Dot loves play-acting, dressing up her pet dachshund Piefke and making up words like 'splentastic'. Her best friend is Anton, who lives in a little apartment and looks after his mother. They share a secret - every night, when their parents think they are asleep, they sell matches and shoelaces on the streets of Berlin with Dot's grumpy governess. But why?The answers involve a villain called 'Robert the Devil', a club-wielding maid, a wobbly tooth, a pair of silver shoes and a policeman dancing the tango, as Dot and Anton get into all sorts of scrapes and even solve a crime in this delightful, touching and hilarious adventure story.... alles anzeigen expand_more

Gadzooks!' said Dot ... 'The things that boy can do!'Dot loves play-acting, dressing up her pet dachshund Piefke and making up words like 'splentastic'. Her best friend is Anton, who lives in a little apartment and looks after his mother. They share a secret - every night, when their parents think they are asleep, they sell matches and shoelaces on the streets of Berlin with Dot's grumpy governess. But why?The answers involve a villain called 'Robert the Devil', a club-wielding maid, a wobbly tooth, a pair of silver shoes and a policeman dancing the tango, as Dot and Anton get into all sorts of scrapes and even solve a crime in this delightful, touching and hilarious adventure story.

Erich Kästner,writer, poet and journalist, was born in Dresden in 1899. His first children's book, Emil and the Detectives, was published in 1929 and has since sold millions of copies around the world and been translated into around 60 languages. After the Nazis took power in Germany, Kästner's books were burnt and he was excluded from the writers' guild. He won many awards, including the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award in 1960. He died in 1974.

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  • SW9781782690740110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781782690740110164
  • Autor find_in_page Erich Kästner
  • Mit find_in_page Anthea Bell, Walter Trier
  • Autoreninformationen Erich Kästner was born in Dresden in 1899. He began his career as a… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Pushkin Children's Books
  • Seitenzahl 160
  • Veröffentlichung 09.04.2015
  • ISBN 9781782690740

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