Dreaming Frankenstein

and Collected Poems 1967 - 1984

Liz Lochhead has built an impressive reputation as poet, playwright and performer attracting a large and admiring public. Dreaming Frankenstein and Collected Poems stands as a monument to her early work: four collections Memo for Spring (1972), Islands (1978) and Grimm Sisters (1981) and the title volume together provide a complete record of her poetry from 1967 to 1984. In Dreaming Frankenstein human relationships, especially as seen from a woman's point of view, are central. Attraction, pain, acceptance, loss, triumphs and deceptions all are made immediate through her imagery and acute powers of observation and through her flair as a storyteller. Liz Lochhead was born in... alles anzeigen expand_more

Liz Lochhead has built an impressive reputation as poet, playwright and performer attracting a large and admiring public. Dreaming Frankenstein and Collected Poems stands as a monument to her early work: four collections Memo for Spring (1972), Islands (1978) and Grimm Sisters (1981) and the title volume together provide a complete record of her poetry from 1967 to 1984. In Dreaming Frankenstein human relationships, especially as seen from a woman's point of view, are central. Attraction, pain, acceptance, loss, triumphs and deceptions all are made immediate through her imagery and acute powers of observation and through her flair as a storyteller.

Liz Lochhead was born in Motherwell in 1947. While studying at the Glasgow School of Art she began to write seriously, gradually losing her way with her initial dream of becoming a painter. Her first book of poetry, Memo for Spring, was published in 1972 and sold 5,000 copies. The Scottish-Canadian Writers Exchange Fellowship,1978–9, marked her transition to full-time writer. She has since published several plays and poetry collections including A Choosing and most recently Fugitive Colours. Liz Lochhead was Scots Makar from 2011–2016.

'This volume brings a range of material and confidence of tone which are most impressive... the tone varies from the rueful to the forceful. This is a bold, striking collection'

'Dreaming Frankenstein is a rare thing: a book of poems that sparkles'

'One of the few poets writing today capable of encompassing the matter of contemporary life in terms that are both attractive and thought-provoking'

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  • SW9780857900517110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780857900517110164
  • Autor find_in_page Liz Lochhead
  • Autoreninformationen Liz Lochhead was born in Motherwell in 1947. While studying at the… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Polygon
  • Seitenzahl 86
  • Veröffentlichung 01.05.2011
  • ISBN 9780857900517

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