Beginner's Guide to Flytying

This book uses the latest techniques in computer-generated drawings to show the reader exactly how to create an artificial fly, step-by-step. Clearer than photography, more life-like than drawings, the graphic instructions show, by subtle emphasis and exaggeration, precisely what to do. Included are all the basic techniques for applying thread, feather and fur to the hook, and more sophisticated methods such as parachute hackling, using the dubbing loop and hairwinging. 12 key trout patterns demonstrate the most important flytying techniques. - Black Ghost (ribbing & hairwing) - Woolly Bugger (palmered hackle dressing) - Duck's Dun (cul de canard dressing) - Gray Wulff... alles anzeigen expand_more

This book uses the latest techniques in computer-generated drawings to show the reader exactly how to create an artificial fly, step-by-step.

Clearer than photography, more life-like than drawings, the graphic instructions show, by subtle emphasis and exaggeration, precisely what to do.

Included are all the basic techniques for applying thread, feather and fur to the hook, and more sophisticated methods such as parachute hackling, using the dubbing loop and hairwinging.

12 key trout patterns demonstrate the most important flytying techniques.

- Black Ghost (ribbing & hairwing)

- Woolly Bugger (palmered hackle dressing)

- Duck's Dun (cul de canard dressing)

- Gray Wulff (bucktail dry fly technique)

- Elk Hair Caddis (dubbing & hairwing)

- Parachute Emerger (parachute dressing)

- Ginger Quill (wet fly wings and throat hackle)

- Black Pennell (wet hackling)

- Goldhead Hare's Ear (weighted goldhead & natural dubbing)

- Montana Nymph (nymph hackling, marabou tails)

- Pheasant Tail Nymph (pheasant tail fibers & copper wire)

- Shrimp/Scud (wire weighting & synthentic dubbing)

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  • SW9781910723715110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781910723715110164
  • Autor find_in_page Chris Mann, Terry Griffiths
  • Autoreninformationen Chris Mann, who died in 2015, had a peripatetic upbringing in which… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Merlin Unwin Books
  • Seitenzahl 80
  • Veröffentlichung 30.04.2017
  • ISBN 9781910723715

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