Lady Sidekick

50 Tired Tropes for Women

Lady Sidekick has gathered up all the tired tropes for women so you don't have to! From the Femme Fatale to the Crazy Cat Lady, the Bridezilla to the Girl Next Door, it calls them out and, most importantly, RECLAIMS them. For too long women have been pigeonholed into a handful of tired and basic characters, their personality and behaviour criticised if they don't fit the role society thinks they should be playing. Lady Sidekick analyses fifty of the most moth-eaten, antiquated, cookie-cutter females clichés, archetypes and tokens that twenty-first-century women are SO over. Through hilarious breakdowns, comic illustrations and tongue-firmly-in-cheek-fuelled study, it... alles anzeigen expand_more

Lady Sidekick has gathered up all the tired tropes for women so you don't have to! From the Femme Fatale to the Crazy Cat Lady, the Bridezilla to the Girl Next Door, it calls them out and, most importantly, RECLAIMS them. For too long women have been pigeonholed into a handful of tired and basic characters, their personality and behaviour criticised if they don't fit the role society thinks they should be playing. Lady Sidekick analyses fifty of the most moth-eaten, antiquated, cookie-cutter females clichés, archetypes and tokens that twenty-first-century women are SO over. Through hilarious breakdowns, comic illustrations and tongue-firmly-in-cheek-fuelled study, it slow-roasts each trope, sprinkling them with sarcasm, seasoning them with feminism, infusing them with activism, before serving them up ready for the modern masses to enjoy. It's time to shove a stick of dynamite up the arse of the out-of-date – and Lady Sidekick is ready to light the wick. Happy trope-spotting!

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8,49 €

  • SW9780750996365110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780750996365110164
  • Autor find_in_page Anneka Harry
  • Mit find_in_page Laura Dockrill
  • Autoreninformationen Anneka Harry is a writer and performer whose work covers series,… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page The History Press
  • Seitenzahl 112
  • Veröffentlichung 20.10.2020
  • ISBN 9780750996365

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