Aliens: The Official Movie Novelization
There are some places in the universe you don't go alone Returned to earth, Ellen Ripley learns that a colony has been established on LV-426, the planet where the crew of the Nostromo found the original alien. But contact with the colonists has been lost, so she must accompany a unit of colonial Marines to discover their fate. And to destroy any aliens found on the planet known as Acheron. This groundbreaking sequel by science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster, with the wonderful characters and rapid-fire action that make Aliens one of the greatest science fiction films of all time.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9781783290185110164
- Artikelnummer SW9781783290185110164
Alan Dean Foster
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag Titan Books
- Seitenzahl 320
- Veröffentlichung 17.04.2014
- ISBN 9781783290185
- Wasserzeichen ja