THE POETRY of H. P. Lovecraft
90+ Poems in One Volume: Dead Passion's Flame, Life's Mistery, The Rose of England, The Conscript, Providence, Nemesis, The Peace Advocate, Despair, The Ancient Track, Festival…
This carefully crafted ebook: “THE POETRY of H. P. Lovecraft” is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) was an American author who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. He is now regarded as one of the most significant 20th-century authors in his genre.
Table of Contents:
Life's Mystery
Christmas Greetings
Poemata Minora
On Receiving a Picture of Swans
Unda; or, The Bride of the Sea
An American to Mother England
Lines on Gen. Robert Edward Lee
The Rose of England
The Poe-et's Nightmare
Fact and Fancy
Pacifist War Song - 1917
A Garden
The Peace Advocate
Ode for July Fourth, 1917
Laeta; a Lament
Psychopompos: A Tale in Rhyme
The Conscript
The House
The City
To Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Eighteenth Baron Dunsany
The Nightmare Lake
On Reading Lord Dunsany's Book of Wonder
Sir Thomas Tryout
Waste Paper
The Cats
Hallowe'en in a Suburb
The Wood
The Outpost
The Ancient Track
The Messenger
Fungi from Yuggoth
Little Sam Perkins
Dead Passion's Flame
In a Sequester'd Providence Churchyard Where Once Poe Walk'd
To Clark Ashton Smith, Esq., upon His Phantastick Tales, Verses, Pictures, and Sculptures
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW87083
- Artikelnummer SW87083
- Autor H. P. Lovecraft
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag e-artnow
- Seitenzahl 135
- Veröffentlichung 15.04.2016
- ISBN 9788026853145