Trailblazers of Black British Theatre

From Ira Aldridge to Cleo Laine

In Trailblazers of Black British Theatre, Stephen Bourne celebrates the pioneers of Black British theatre, beginning in 1825, when Ira Aldridge made history as the first Black actor to play Shakespeare's Othello in the United Kingdom, and ending in 1975 with the success of Britain's first Black-led theatre company. In addition to providing a long-overdue critique of Laurence Olivier's Othello, too-often cited as the zenith of the role, Bourne has unearthed the forgotten story of Paul Molyneaux, a Shakespearean actor of the Victorian era. The twentieth-century trailblazers include Paul Robeson, Florence Mills, Elisabeth Welch, Buddy Bradley, Gordon Heath, Edric Connor and Pearl... alles anzeigen expand_more

In Trailblazers of Black British Theatre, Stephen Bourne celebrates the pioneers of Black British theatre, beginning in 1825, when Ira Aldridge made history as the first Black actor to play Shakespeare's Othello in the United Kingdom, and ending in 1975 with the success of Britain's first Black-led theatre company.

In addition to providing a long-overdue critique of Laurence Olivier's Othello, too-often cited as the zenith of the role, Bourne has unearthed the forgotten story of Paul Molyneaux, a Shakespearean actor of the Victorian era. The twentieth-century trailblazers include Paul Robeson, Florence Mills, Elisabeth Welch, Buddy Bradley, Gordon Heath, Edric Connor and Pearl Connor-Mogotsi, all of them active in Great Britain, though some first found fame in the United States or the Caribbean. Then there are the groundbreaking works of playwrights Barry Reckord and Errol John at the Royal Court; the first Black drama school students; pioneering theatre companies; and three influential dramatists of the 1970s: Mustapha Matura, Michael Abbensetts and Alfred Fagon.

Drawing on original research and interviews with leading lights, Trailblazers of Black British Theatre is a powerful study of theatre's Black trailblazers and their profound influence on British culture today.

Stephen Bourne is a hero of our history. He has published countless books, always accessible to all, on the hidden stories of our presence on these shores. Let's honour Stephen for quietly shining a light on our history

Stephen Bourne is a tireless chronicler of the Black British history of the last century or so. I love Stephen's books because he gives voice to real people – Black soldiers, sailors, musicians, campaigners, doctors, nurses, broadcasters and so many more

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  • SW9780750999106110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780750999106110164
  • Autor find_in_page Stephen Bourne
  • Autoreninformationen STEPHEN BOURNE is the author of several books on the subject of… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page The History Press
  • Seitenzahl 288
  • Veröffentlichung 07.10.2021
  • ISBN 9780750999106

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