
Before the name became a legend. Before the boy became a man. Meet Bond. James Bond.James Bond will one day become the world's most famous spy, but right now his challenge is to fit in at his new school: making friends, learning the rules and standing up to bullies. However, unknown to James there is an even tougher challenge awaiting him on the remote shores of Loch Silverfin - a terrifying discovery that threatens to unleash a new breed of warfare. For something mysterious and deadly is lurking in the water . . . SilverFin is the first Young Bond adventure from bestselling writer Charlie Higson. Charlie Higson started writing when he was ten years old. After university he was a... alles anzeigen expand_more

Before the name became a legend. Before the boy became a man. Meet Bond. James Bond.James Bond will one day become the world's most famous spy, but right now his challenge is to fit in at his new school: making friends, learning the rules and standing up to bullies. However, unknown to James there is an even tougher challenge awaiting him on the remote shores of Loch Silverfin - a terrifying discovery that threatens to unleash a new breed of warfare. For something mysterious and deadly is lurking in the water . . . SilverFin is the first Young Bond adventure from bestselling writer Charlie Higson.

Charlie Higson started writing when he was ten years old. After university he was a singer and painter and decorator before he started writing for television. He went on to create and star in the hugely successful comedy series The Fast Show. He is the author of the bestselling Young Bond books and the incredibly successful horror series, The Enemy. Charlie doesn't do Facebook, but you can tweet him @monstroso.

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