A Day at the Races

The Horses, People and Races that shaped the Sport of Kings

Foreword by Henrietta Knight. From King Henry VIII to Queen Elizabeth II, via the introduction of the Classics, a duel at Ascot, the first steeplechase, a Derby Day fraud, a huge Cambridgeshire gamble, the desolation of Fred Archer, a thousand-mile walk around Newmarket Heath, the greatness of Ormonde and Sceptre, Man o' War's record-breaking runs, National Velvet and Emily Davison, to the brilliance of Lester Piggott, Tony McCoy and Frankel, Peter May has selected over one hundred days that encapsulate five hundred years of the Sport of Kings.    His short, informative, easy-to-read essays bring to life racing's milestone events that set the nation on a different... alles anzeigen expand_more

Foreword by Henrietta Knight.

From King Henry VIII to Queen Elizabeth II, via the introduction of the Classics, a duel at Ascot, the first steeplechase, a Derby Day fraud, a huge Cambridgeshire gamble, the desolation of Fred Archer, a thousand-mile walk around Newmarket Heath, the greatness of Ormonde and Sceptre, Man o' War's record-breaking runs, National Velvet and Emily Davison, to the brilliance of Lester Piggott, Tony McCoy and Frankel, Peter May has selected over one hundred days that encapsulate five hundred years of the Sport of Kings.   

His short, informative, easy-to-read essays bring to life racing's milestone events that set the nation on a different path, such as the 1913 Derby, and the sacrifices horseracing made to support the British military campaigns overseas.    A host of anecdotes tell of the exploits of the racing fraternity and cast light on the psyche of those who were prepared to take on bets which, at today's rates, would stretch into millions.    Sure to rekindle fond, and maybe distant, memories of the races and horses that once dominated the sporting section of the daily newspapers.

Weights, Distances, Currency 4

Foreword by Henrietta Knight 5

Preface 6

Timeline of Events 7

Early Years 1500-1799 11

1800-1849 32

1850-1899 53

1900-1949 90

1950-1999 147

21st Century 212

Notes and References 230

Bibliography 233

Acknowledgements 235

Index 237

'I have not come across a book like this before. Yes, I have seen weighty tomes with price tags to match, but this is an accessible, well-written and meticulously researched history of racing that deserves to sell in the thousands.

'A fascinating history of the sport. Many of us who enjoy racing know a fair bit about its origins, but this is the best book I've read for taking the reader through a journey right from the first race run under rules... The book is made up of a series of short essays on key moments in racing's history making A Day at the Races excellent to dip in and out of. Saying that, I found myself being drawn in by each short chapter as interesting facts and moments were revealed.

'It's impossible not to learn massive amounts every time you pick the book up. Did you know that before the invention of the electric telegraph, at least one result of the St Leger was transported to Manchester by dogs trained to hunt by trail?'

'A very engaging and informative journey through racing centuries'

'If you're a fan of racing under any code or any discipline, this is a book that you'll enjoy.'

'Dr May's innovative approach to the telling of racing's history is a real treasure trove for all racing fans.'

'It's a highly entertaining, engrossing read which is more than just a colourful history lesson on the sport of kings. The depth of research is staggering and I learned so much.'

'Peter May's enthusiasm is infectious; his research is phenomenal.'

It's a pleasure to report that Peter May's new book A Day at the Races has successfully achieved the feat of encapsulating the sport's key horses, people and events in a highly readable way. Moreover, he's not fallen into the trap of being victim to too much extraneous detail and doesn't get bogged down with a fixation for dates.

What May has done is pen over 130 essays, presented in chronological order, of events and participants which have shaped the turf. A thoroughly entertaining read.

A comprehensive retelling of a rich racing history... The books racing snapshots are insightful and the anecdotes entertaining, and although the book is ideal for reading in snippets, once you delve into its contents you may find it hard to put down. weniger anzeigen expand_less
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  • SW9781913159573110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781913159573110164
  • Autor find_in_page Peter May
  • Autoreninformationen Peter May has two major hobbies: fishing and horseracing and has… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Merlin Unwin Books
  • Seitenzahl 240
  • Veröffentlichung 08.09.2022
  • ISBN 9781913159573

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