In this definitive collection of Stephenson's writings, journalism and meditations, the great American polymath puts the 20th Century - mathematics, cryptography, philosophy, currency, and the history of science and technology- under his eclectic and unflinching gaze.
One of the most talented and creative authors working today, Neal Stephenson is renowned for his exceptional novels - works colossal in vision and mind-boggling in complexity. Exploring and blending a diversity of topics, including technology, economics, history, science, pop culture, and philosophy, his books are the product of a keen and adventurous intellect. Not surprisingly, Stephenson is regularly asked to contribute articles, lectures, and essays to numerous outlets, from major newspapers and cutting edge magazines to college symposia. This remarkable collection brings together previously published short writings, both fiction and nonfiction as well as a new essay (and an extremely short story) created specifically for this volume.
Stephenson ponders a wealth of subjects, from movies and politics to David Foster Wallace and the Midwestern American College Town; video games to classics-based sci-fi; how geekdom has become cool and how science fiction has become mainstream (whether people admit it or not); the future of publishing and the origins of his novels. By turns amusing and profound, critical and celebratory, yet always entertaining, Some Remarks offers a fascinating look into the prismatic mind of this extraordinary writer.
Neal Stephenson is the author of eight novels, including Cryptonomicon and the cult success Snow Crash. Four of his last five novels have been number one New York Times bestsellers. He lives in Seattle.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9780857898487110164
- Artikelnummer SW9780857898487110164
Neal Stephenson
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag find_in_page Atlantic Books
- Seitenzahl 336
- Veröffentlichung 15.08.2012
- ISBN 9780857898487
- Wasserzeichen ja
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