
First published in 1966, Robert Blake's biography of Disraeli is one of the supreme political biographies of the last hundred years. An outsider, a nationalist, a European, a Romantic and a Tory - Disraeli's story is an extraordinary one. Born in 1804, the grandson of an immigrant Italian Jew, he became leader of the Conservative Party and was twice Prime Minister. Famous for the 1867 Reform Act, his purchasing of the Suez Canal and his diplomatic triumphs at the Congress of Berlin, he was also the creator of the political novel and, in Sybil, wrote the major 'Condition of England' work of fiction. 'An outstandingly successful biography . . . Disraeli has never been brought so... alles anzeigen expand_more

First published in 1966, Robert Blake's biography of Disraeli is one of the supreme political biographies of the last hundred years.

An outsider, a nationalist, a European, a Romantic and a Tory - Disraeli's story is an extraordinary one. Born in 1804, the grandson of an immigrant Italian Jew, he became leader of the Conservative Party and was twice Prime Minister. Famous for the 1867 Reform Act, his purchasing of the Suez Canal and his diplomatic triumphs at the Congress of Berlin, he was also the creator of the political novel and, in Sybil, wrote the major 'Condition of England' work of fiction.

'An outstandingly successful biography . . . Disraeli has never been brought so vividly to life.' Sir Philip Magnus, Daily Telegraph

'A huge, scholarly and remarkably readable work which makes us revise vast tracts of our assumptions about nineteenth-century politics.' Sir Michael Howard, Sunday Times

'A book that people will still be reading in fifty years' time and long after.' Times Literary Supplement

Robert Blake

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  • SW9780571287550110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780571287550110164
  • Autor find_in_page Robert Blake
  • Autoreninformationen Robert Blake (1916-2003) was the pre-eminent Tory historian of his… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Faber & Faber
  • Seitenzahl 1642
  • Veröffentlichung 19.04.2012
  • ISBN 9780571287550

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